FGM Resources

This free online training course helps frontline professionals develop skills to identify and help girls at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Provides: an overview of FGM; professional responsibilities in FGM cases; information on how to prevent FGM; and how to support those who have been subjected to it. Although not exhaustive, the course enables professionals to develop a basic understanding of FGM and their role in protecting girls at risk.
FGM Leaflet
This leaflet has been created by the National FGM Centre to help educate professionals and families on Female Genital Mutilation. Topics include what FGM is, the consequences and what to do if you are worried.
Training Presentation
This powerpoint can be used to help professionals understand FGM as a form of child abuse and to be better able to identify and respond to it. Includes information on mandatory reporting, risk indicators and safeguarding duties. This is not the National FGM Centre’s Presentation.

Language/Terminology Guide
This document contains the traditional and local terms for Female Genital Mutilation by country and language. We recommend you ask the family what word they would use to describe FGM and you can use this document to help guide your discussion.
Legal Context - UK
Infographic highlighting the key pieces of FGM specific legislation in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Prevalence Map
Information on the prevalence of FGM across the world including regional variations, legal contexts and high risk age groups. Our interactive map is one of the most popular pages on our site, used by professionals across the country.

Statutory Guidance
This multi-agency guidance on FGM (2016) should be read and followed by all persons and bodies in England and Wales who are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. This document includes guidance on FGM and the law, talking about FGM and risk indicators.
Health Consequences
This infographic, developed by the National FGM Centre, covers the health consequences of each type of FGM. This includes both short and long term. This can be used with professionals, families and communities to educate around the harmful consequences of FGM.
Medical Examination
This booklet has been designed to share good practice around the medical examination required to determine whether a girl has undergone FGM or not, and facilitate conversation with parent(s)/ carer(s) and professionals. There is also an animation that could be used with children.
Resources for Social Care Professionals
Below, you can find a selection of resources that can be used by social care professionals to help assess and manage cases where FGM has been identified or is a concern.
All social care professionals have a mandatory duty to report KNOWN cases of FGM on girls under 18, to the police on 101.

This free online training course helps frontline professionals develop skills to identify and help girls at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM). Provides: an overview of FGM; professional responsibilities in FGM cases; information on how to prevent FGM; and how to support those who have been subjected to it. Although not exhaustive, the course enables professionals to develop a basic understanding of FGM and their role in protecting girls at risk.
Medical Examination
This booklet has been designed to share good practice around the medical examination required to determine whether a girl has undergone FGM or not, and facilitate conversation with parent(s)/ carer(s) and professionals. There is also an animation that could be used with children.
UCLH has a dedicated monthly multidisciplinary clinic for girls under 18 years who have had, are suspected to have had, or may be at risk of FGM. You can find a referral form the clinic here.
Practice Reflection
This tool is to be used by social workers when reflecting on FGM and other harmful practices (e.g breast flattening or child abuse linked to faith or belief) cases. Social workers should use this tool to reflect on their practice throughout a case. Social workers should aim to use this tool prior to supervision with their manager, and on an ongoing basis to then discuss within regular supervisions.

Local Support Services
The National FGM Centre has collected details of FGM support services across the UK. Just click your region to find out more.
FGM Protection Orders
These can be used to protect girls from FGM. They can be applied for by the girl herself, the family or the local authority.
Direct Work Toolkit
This Toolkit is to support professionals educate and explore views with children and parent(s)/carer(s) on FGM. The pack contains activity plans, resources and more to enable professionals to work effectively with families and children around FGM.

Guidance + Assessment
The FGM Assessment Tool comprises of guidance and an online FGM Assessment that can generate a risk result based on the information you provide. This tool has been designed specifically for social workers.
Statutory Guidance
This multi-agency guidance on FGM (2016) should be read and followed by all persons and bodies in England and Wales who are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. This document includes guidance on FGM and the law, talking about FGM and risk indicators.
BAME Families Toolkit
Training toolkit aimed at helping professionals to develop effective practices for protecting and promoting the welfare of children living in circumstances which appear to be complex because of their faith, culture or nationality. Topics covered include: female genital mutilation; children with disabilities; forced marriage; domestic violence; sexual exploitation; trafficked children.
Resources for Health Professionals
Below, you can find a selection of resources that can be used in health settings to help support women and girls who have undergone/are suspected to have undergone FGM.
All health professionals have a mandatory duty to report KNOWN cases of FGM on girls under 18, to the police on 101. There is also a duty to record FGM on a women/girls records.

Suspected Cases
Confirmation that FGM has been carried out may be required as part of a safeguarding or criminal investigation and a timely appointment should be arranged for a physical examination as soon as possible
The e-FGM educational programme has been developed by Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare and is provided free to all healthcare professionals, including school nurses, practice nurses, health visitors and GPs. The material deals with the issues posed by FGM at all stages of a girl or woman’s life.
Pocket Guide
This guide for health professionals contains information on what FGM is, the health complications, the law and safeguarding duties.

Clinical Handbook
This publication distils the evidence-informed recommendations into a practical and user-friendly tool for everyday use by health-care providers.
FGM Clinics in the UK
A list of FGM Specialist clinics in the UK as of October 2017.
Pregnancy Leaflet
This leaflet is for pregnant women who have disclosed or have been identified as having FGM. It explains why a case may be referred to social care, what the law and health consequences are and links to how a family can protect their daughter. The leaflet also shows a diagram of the female genitalia that is labelled for women to be able to identify the types of FGM.

Guidance + Assessment
Practical help to support NHS organisations developing new safeguarding policies and procedures for female genital mutilation (FGM). Includes assessment matrix.
Statutory Guidance
This multi-agency guidance on FGM (2016) should be read and followed by all persons and bodies in England and Wales who are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. This document includes guidance on FGM and the law, talking about FGM and risk indicators.
Mandatory Reporting
Resources explaining healthcare professionals’ duty to report cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in girls under 18.
Resources for Education Professionals
Below, you can find a selection of educational resources that can be used in schools to educate young people, help aid conversations with parents and implement strong FGM policies.
We receive calls most weeks from teachers asking “How do I explore my concerns of FGM with the parents” or “This girl is going on holiday and we are concerned”. The below resources can be used to aid conversations with families and, if a concern is raised, to create a high quality referral to social care.
All teachers have a mandatory duty to report KNOWN cases of FGM on girls under 18, to the police on 101.

Identifying Risk
All schools should be alert to signs a girl is at risk of FGM. The risk may increase/decrease given the family context, for example the risk may increase while the girl is on holiday. The below guidance gives an overview of FGM, the risk indicators and safeguarding procedures.
Exploring Concerns
If you have a concern a girl is at risk of FGM, we advise you speak to the family first, unless you believe this will place a girl at risk. We have created a good referral guide that can be used as a prompt and guide for conversations with families.
Information for Parents
We recommend you give parents information regarding FGM so they can read it in their own time. This leaflet is specific to families going on holiday, however it can be used to educate families on FGM and the law generally.You can download and print the below or find more on our Knowledge Hub.

FGM Teacher/Trainer Guide
This guide is aimed at teachers and helps them understand safeguarding of children in general and safeguarding from FGM in particular.
Primary School
Any teacher leading a session with young people should have received training prior to the session being delivered. This pack contains age appropriate sessions that can be delivered in primary schools.
Secondary School
Below is a selection of lesson plans that can be implemented into secondary school education. Please note, training should first be given to teachers before implementing these lesson plans.

FGM Guidance
The purpose of this guidance is to equip professionals in education settings to respond to concerns regarding girls at risk of FGM. Within this document, you will find:
- General information on FGM & the law
- FGM risk indicators
- Requirements of the RSE guidance regarding FGM
- How to explore concerns with children and parents/carers
- A resource on how to explore concerns and make referrals to children’s social care
Statutory Guidance
This multi-agency guidance on FGM (2016) should be read and followed by all persons and bodies in England and Wales who are under statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. This document includes guidance on FGM and the law, talking about FGM and risk indicators.
Keeping Children Safe
Updated in 2018. Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment.